The Roof Revivers team make the difference for the best roofing company in central Ohio.

Our PeopleMake Our Difference

——Meet Our People——

Meet Our Difference.

At Roof Revivers, our people are the cornerstone of our success. Our team of dedicated professionals brings a wealth of experience, expertise, and passion to every project. We pride ourselves on our commitment to continuous learning, ensuring that our staff stays up-to-date with the latest roofing technologies and techniques. This knowledge, combined with our unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, allows us to deliver exceptional results tailored to each client's unique needs. It's not just about fixing roofs; it's about building lasting relationships and trust with our customers, one project at a time.

“Roof Revivers is the company you can trust. Our team’s experience is our success. Our team is made up of people who have worked in the industry for many years and know what it takes to provide exceptional service.”
Joey Sayre – Vice President of Operations

——Road To $1,000,000——

Giving Back.

    Roof Revivers is driven by a profound mission, to combat Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and make a meaningful difference. Our Journey began with a deeply personal experience, the diagnosis of my son with CF, a genetic disease with an uncertain future.

    In response, we resolved to take action. Through Roof Revivers, we committed to annual donations to the CF Foundation, supporting their groundbreaking research for a cure. With the support of our dedicated team and valued customers, we have donated over $98,000 in just four years.

    Each dollar we donate represents a step closer to a cure for CF. We are immensely grateful for everyone who has been part of this incredible journey. Together, we are on the road to raise one million dollars for Cystic Fibrosis.

    Our commitment to this cause runs deep. We appreciate the unwavering support of our team and customers who share our vision of a world free from CF. it is their trust and patronage that allows us to make significant contributions to the CF Foundation year after year.

    By Joining forces with the CF Foundation, Roof Revivers actively supports research initiatives that hold the promise of transforming lives. We are honored to be part of this vital mission and invite other to join us. As we continue our journey, our goal remains clear, to donate one million dollars to the CF Foundation. Together, we can make a difference and pave the way for a brighter future for all those impacted by Cystic Fibrosis. Thank you for being part of Roof Revivers’ incredible journey.

    Reed Dietz